Saturday, November 5, 2011


This morning (yeah, I define 12:30 as the morning) I went out to pick some stuff up to eat. A few feet from the school, two guys on bikes ran into each other and one guy hit the ground hard. He laid half in the street for about 20 seconds without moving. I couldn't call 911 and didn't know what to do. I tried to get the attention of the school security guard but he didn't seem to care neither did the other people who saw it and continued on their way. Two kids stood near him playing with their yo-yos and chatting. One man who stopped on his bike finally called the police. The other guy involved in the accident was on his feet and seemed to be defensive about the whole incident (I didn't really see any thing except them fall, so I don't know). After about 5 minutes, the guy on the tried to stand up, the first thing he said was "where am I?". I've only seen a few concussions in my life but I'm pretty sure this guy had one. When the cops showed up they asked him some questions and tried to straighten out his bike. The other guy that was involved left without being asked any questions. It took about 30 mins from the start of the accident for an ambulance to be called. The whole situation made me feel pretty helpless and disgusted by the apathy of those who didn't want to be troubled.


  1. Yeah, I read about this some time ago:

    I'm curious, as you get to know China better, if you have any thoughts as to why this happens there.
